St. John's Historic Cemetery Tours

​...more along the lines of a sculpture garden than a cemetery.
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, St. John’s Historic Cemetery was created in 1843 from Ridgefield Plantation, owned by George S. Guion. Many historically significant figures are buried here. They include former Louisiana governor and Chief justice Francis Tillou Nicholls; Richard Henry Allen, a 19th century owner of Rienzi Plantation; Silas T. Grisamore, Indiana native and newspaperman-politician; and Georgiana Suthon, an early missionary to Japan. 

Veterans who served in wars from 1812 to the present also rest under the oaks. The tombs and monuments are a reminder of past craftsmanship and religious beliefs and represent the styles and workmanship of many eras.
St. John's Historic Cemetery Association is a charitable organization separate from St. John’s Episcopal Church. The Cemetery Association was founded 100 years ago to assist in the preservation of the Historic Cemetery.

St. John’s Historic Cemetery is a peaceful oasis,